Oklahoma Gov. Demands Tribes Stop Offering Table, Electronic Games
Posted on: January 22, 2020, 07:31h.
Last updated on: January 23, 2020, 10:09h.

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt wants the state’s tribal casinos to cease table and electronic games, as a contentious tribal lawsuit against the state moves forward over disputed gaming compacts.

In a federal judicial filing, lawyers representing the governor on Wednesday requested that a judge make it illegal for tribes to operate Class III electronic games, the Associated Press reported.
While the case is being heard, the state wants an account established so Oklahoma can get a percentage of the incoming revenue.
Stitt, a Republican, argues the 15-year gaming compacts with the tribes expired on Jan. 1. Current tribal gambling is illegal, he says, and the governor wants the state to get a higher percentage of revenue in future compacts.
The tribes now pay four to six percent on slot gross gaming revenue and 10 percent on table games. Stitt wants 20 to 25 percent, which would be among the highest in the country.
The Chickasaw, Cherokee, and Choctaw nations were the tribes that filed the lawsuit. It challenges the governor’s position that compacts, which exclusively allow gambling at tribal casinos, have expired.
Muscogee (Creek) Nation Appears to Join Lawsuit
The Muscogee (Creek) Nation is apparently now joining the lawsuit, too. The tribe approved spending $500,000 related to the lawsuit, the AP reported.
The tribes argue the compacts auto-renewed on expiration. They contend the previous administration wanted the auto renewal, too.
The fees paid the state were almost $139 million during the 2018 fiscal year. Most of the money is used for schools.
Last year, Stitt offered the tribes an extension, which would allow them to continue offering Class III games for eight more months until the dispute is settled. Two of the state’s 38 federally recognized tribes — the Kialegee Tribal Town and United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians — signed Stitt’s agreement.
Oklahoma Tribes, Governor Embroiled in Arguments
“While we prefer negotiation to litigation, the federal court is now the only reasonable alternative to bring legal certainty to this issue,” Chickasaw Nation Governor Bill Anoatubby said when the suit was filed. “We remain hopeful we will continue to have a productive and mutually beneficial relationship with the State of Oklahoma once we have resolved this issue.”
Choctaw Nation Chief Gary Batton added that the governor’s “stance on the gaming compact has created uncertainty and has been seen as a threat to our employees and our business partners. We see this legal action as the most viable option to restore the clarity and stability the tribes and Oklahoma both deserve by obtaining a resolution that our compact does automatically renew.”
Stitt, a member of the Cherokee Nation himself, said in response to the lawsuit, “I am disappointed that a number of Oklahoma tribes, led by the Chickasaw, Cherokee, and Choctaw Nations, did not accept the State’s offer on Oct. 28 for a three-person arbitration panel to resolve our dispute outside of court. This was … a win-win for all parties,” the governor said.
“I was elected to represent all four million Oklahomans, and I will continue to be laser-focused on an outcome that achieves a fair deal and is in the best interest of the state and its citizens,” Stitt added.
In response to the newest filing from the governor, Stephen Greetham, senior counsel for the Chickasaw Nation, told the AP, “We are reviewing the pleading his lawyers filed on his behalf and look forward to learning what legal basis he will claim to justify the uncertainty he has endeavored to create.”
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Last Comments ( 14 )
I don't agree with Stitt saying he wants to get rid of electronic and table games. what does he think Casino's are composed of. he sounds like a complete idiot. Ask me, I enjoy electronic game's and don't mind playing them. He's making a decision based off what he wants since he's abusing his power.
Best thing to do: all Independent voters “Register as Republican” and vote in the Red Primaries and you will assure that the likes of him and the greediest don’t get on the general election ballot EVER AGAIN! And Cherokee revoking his enrollment would be ironically fitting.
What a deal. The tribes help to build roads, schools, hospitals and more that help the state counties and city’s the tribe should pull back and let the state do it The Governor has no idea as to how percentages are figured by each state. There are a lot of people who enjoy the casinos and they vote. Look how the governor wasted money with an out of state firm for our new logo
An expiration date is just that. Expiration. Why would the compact have an end date and a self renewal? Why not make the compact longer. Because it expires. The casinos have a majority of bingo games that don't have to pay anything back. I'm sorry, but $149 million a year doesn't even cover the damage to the roads the casino traffic causes. Don't get me wrong, I love having the casinos in Oklahoma....but the payback is confidential which isn't right...and the majority of slot machines are "bingo" so the tribes can avoid sharing revenue....that right there speaks for itself. Thank you.
Wouldn't an Indian be labeled a scout, like Stitt
Every time the Native Americans get something good going for them, here comes the non-Americans taking and taking and taking! The casinos are to aide the tribes to become self-sufficient and not rely on government hand-outs!History is repeating itself - go in and grab what the Native Americans have because the millions a year isn't enough?!
Lets see where the gaming funds went. Do an accounting of that money .
Governor Stitt is a complete idiot!!!
Enough these people are the poorest in this country this is America and they are living like they're in a third world country and the federal government is still trying to take their money to where they cannot improve the reservations and the way of life leave my people alone this governor does it need to be re-elected he's greedy like the Europeans were when they got here
He ought to be stripped of his Cherokee tribal citizenship..
Kevin Stitt is no Indian. He does not talk or walk as a true Indian. He is a liar and a thief & he doesn’t respect deals made with Indians. The blood of his ancestors must be screaming from the grave!!
Governor Stitt—Haven’t MANY of the foreign people who infiltrated this land HUNDREDS of years ago throughout our current dealings with various Native Americans ALREADY HURT these people & their TRIBES enough? I’m NOT Native American myself. But, I stand with these TRIBES who are contesting your new proposal.
How did the Kialegee Tribal Town and United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians signed Stitt’s agreement when they do not have any casinos? They are scouts for Stitt, they need to wipe the brown off their lips and noses!
I grew up with people just like this youngster here. I'm talking looks, movements, voice, attitude as if they are twinkies, and for some strange reason every single one of them has had the need to learn the hard way. He is wasting taxpayers dollars listening to a few GREEDY ADVISORS. Why would anyone agree to RAPE & MOLEST an 1/8th of it's own Citizens of the poorest people amongst the 4 million of us who actually already contributes BILLIONS YES!, BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO THE STATES ECONOMY EVEN AFTER THEY WERE ROBBED OF THEIR LIVES AND THE VERY LANDS WE ALL LIVE ON. Our purpose today is not to simply take without first asking and being given proper permission. Wagons dont get burnt today, those day's are gone and our purpose today is to work together as a UNITED PEOPLES and to meet a goal of EQUALITY, HONESTY & PROSPERITY all while helping each other and this youngman Gov. Stitt isn't helping anyone by the actions he is taking and the things he is saying. What he says matters more than most realize because it effects us in the future. Officials for the State must be very careful with the words they use and the things they say especially when what you are involved in and talking about is so clearly unjustified. To steal from our poorest yet ironically our States BIGGEST CONTRIBUTORS TO OUR STATES ECONOMY & ECONOMIC GROWTH IS SIMPLY UNTHINKABLE, SHAMEFUL and even to do this to your own people (He claims to be Native Indian himself), yet he never participates in any tribal functions. Back in the day we had created a name for those like him "APPLE" and at this time, Stitt to me is what I would call a "Green Apple" (An Apple that isn't ripe, yet, but getting ther and fast because it appears to be rotten). Right now he is showing us that he is an APPLE and if you know when he was elected how his head started to grow, we see what is being revealed as he claims to be Native Indian yet shows the actions that carry a remarkable resemblance of what he will now forever be known to all those Native Indians that actually helped him get voted in and especially to those who he claims to be part of he is what he shows himself to be an real immature, yet aged APPLE and to Native Indians that is one who claims to be Native Indian (Especially when they want your vote or support or needs something from you and to get it they claim they are helping you, yet down you and violate you and Native Indians see the Man (no longer a youngster), but as the APPLE he has presented himself to be a BIG RED APPLE (No longer green) because we believed him when he claimed to be one of us and we seen a Redskin, It's too late now, he is already elected but we now see he is a true RED APPLE a Native Indian who is RED on the outside, but WHITE on the inside. Ah ho